Metamorphosis of “The Tales From The Omniverse”

Metamorphosis of “The Tales From The Omniverse”

With the dawn of spring season, I am thrilled to announce an exciting new chapter in my journey as an author. As the landscape outside undergoes its annual rebirth, so too does my literary identity undergo a transformation and expansion into non-fiction.

I just got back from my daily walk and am happy to see spring is in full force. The once barren trees are now adorned with delicate buds, and patches of vibrant flowers dot the landscape. It makes my walks or runs much more appealing than traversing through the dreary terrain. Just as the earth awakens from its winter slumber, my literary endeavors have undergone a season of renewal, leading to the transformation of my branding.

As I embark on this new exploration of the “Tales From The Omniverse”, I'm brimming with anticipation at the endless possibilities. This metamorphosis requires me to embrace the unknown, daring me to push the boundaries of my storytelling.

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Why the change?

I’m proud of what I've achieved in the past three years, but I'm not the same person who started as an author three years ago. When I first conceptualized the “Tales From The Omniverse”, I had a different idea for my brand. The first outline for “The Empath Series” was much more sinister, which was reflected in Nate’s actions, and the consequences for him and the other characters. This concept extended to subsequent series’, and, as such, this darker tone was reflected in the old color palette with its shades of black, white, and gray.

Over time, though, my vision for the “Tales From The Omniverse”, and how I wanted you to perceive them, shifted. While the essence of darkness and menace remained a central aspect of my storytelling, I've also introduced brighter elements into my stories. As light and dark intertwine, they reveal the complexities of the human experience in all its facets—and as I mentioned before, I’m guided by the principle of “characters first”. It’s through the lens of my characters that you can explore the rich tapestry of emotions, conflicts, and triumphs that shape my stories.

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What has changed?

Although the name and tagline persist, I’ve opted for a new logo and color palette. At my logo’s core, a stylized 'A' transforms into a fusion of an antique key and the nib of a fountain pen. The pen emphasizes my dedication to crafting entertaining tales, and the key opens a gateway to uncharted realms within “The Omniverse”.

To signify my metamorphosis, I’m thrilled to unveil a brand-new website. Featuring a fresh design and improved navigation, the revamped site reflects my evolution as an author. With these updates, I hope to create an enriching platform where you can delve deeper into “The Omniverse”.

I appreciated the quality of NRDLY's templates, which cater well to authors. Nonetheless, there were certain functionalities I missed. Thus, I got in contact with the programmers at Webjazz, a team I've collaborated with several times over the years. And I must say, their work on the design and navigation has been impressive.

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Expansion: “Essentials for Authorpeneurs”

I've always enjoyed sharing what I learned, particularly on topics that I'm passionate about. This drive led me to expand my endeavors to assist other authorpreneurs. Through an extensive array of articles, books, and courses, I have learned a lot about the ins and outs of book creation, publication, and marketing—and now it is my time to give back and share my knowledge.

Maya Angelou once said, “If you get, give. If you learn, teach”. This sentiment deeply resonates with me. I believe that by teaching others what I have learned, I not only empower them but also deepen my understanding. It creates a collaborative and enriching experience for everyone involved. Therefore, under my pen name, Sascha K. Alexander, I will distill my knowledge into “Essentials for Authorpreneurs”.

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Connect with me

Feel free to connect with me on X/Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, or BookBub if you're interested in further communication.

Your continued support means everything to me, and I'm thrilled to have you by my side as we embark on this exciting new chapter.

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