When setting up your website, give equal consideration to both the...
When setting up your website, give equal consideration to both the functionality and design.

Four key sections of an author’s website

An author’s website is often the first point of contact between them and their audience. Thus, authors must carefully consider how they best grab their visitors’ attention and what messages they want to convey.

A website helps authorpreneurs establish a long-term brand presence. Unlike social media or third-party platforms, you’re free to post the content you want and engage with your audience on your terms. Hence, you have many options on how to present your information and messages. While the choice of sections or sub-pages depends on your specific goals, there are four key components a website must have:

1. Introduce your author persona

Use the “About the Author” page to introduce your brand story and give readers a glimpse into your author persona. Describe who you are, how you started your author journey, and what drives your passion. Showcase your unique skills and what sets you apart from other authorpreneurs.

Include an author photo, so people can recognize you across your author platform. Choose a recent photo that shows your face clearly and looks good in both color and grayscale. Ensure the photo remains clear and recognizable even when reduced in size on social media sites. Consider what impression you want to convey and what characteristics you want to support your brand identity.

Media coverage enhances trust in your brand. Potential readers view these articles as a validation that your works are worthy of attention. Showcasing media reports supports your branding and promotes your reputation. Thus, provide a collection of press releases, reviews, interviews, or articles about you and your works. Whether you create a dedicated “Press and Media” section or integrate this information into your “About the Author” or “Contact” pages is up to you.

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2. Showcase your products

The “Books” section is where you present a comprehensive list or gallery of your published works, services, and related offerings. Prominently feature links that lead to points of sale where visitors can buy your books or sign up for courses or workshops. These links make buying easier and boost sales.

Showcase your book covers, blurbs, and selected reviews. You can also add reading samples or excerpts from your books so that visitors can get a taste of your writing style.

If you offer other products or services, consider creating dedicated sub-pages for these offerings. This makes it easier for your readers to learn about all aspects of your portfolio. List e-learning course topics and participant benefits. Provide detailed information about the structure of the courses, the duration, and any prerequisites. Include testimonials from previous participants to add credibility and attract more sign-ups. For speakers, a page listing topics, past lectures, and testimonials is helpful. Link to any available recordings of your previous lectures to give potential clients a sense of your presentation style. Share information about upcoming events and appearances to facilitate face-to-face interactions with your readers.

3. Connect with the author

A dedicated “Contact page” helps to foster a direct connection with your audience. An easily accessible contact option shows you value your audience's opinions and are open to communication. Provide simple contact information, such as your email address or a form that visitors can use to get in touch with you. Specify your preferences for receiving messages and inquiries.

Additionally, list the links to your social media profiles to help build your online presence and engage with your audience. This makes it easier for readers to follow your updates, share your content, and participate in discussions related to your work.

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4. Newsletter subscription

Attract more subscribers using website and social media calls-to-action (CTAs). At a minimum, create a simple landing page (opt-in page) where visitors can sign up for your email list. Encourage your visitors to sign up for your newsletter by offering an incentive, such as exclusive content or a free download. 

Put the signup prominently on your website’s homepage, sidebars, and navigation. Add signup forms to your posts to maximize visibility and encourage readers to subscribe.

If you have separate lists, e.g., fiction and nonfiction, link to both.


Your author’s website should reflect a consistent brand identity that matches the tone and theme of your products. While the selection depends on your goals, every website should at least provide easy access to key information. Show readers your life as an authorpreneur. Share your journey, what inspires you, and what makes you unique. Make it easy for readers to discover and buy your products by including purchase links, prices, and testimonials. Your contact details are crucial for maintaining open communication with your audience. Finally, add links to newsletter sign-up and your social media profiles to encourage visitors to connect with you on multiple platforms.

By ensuring these four sections are well-crafted and comprehensive, you create a site that effectively presents your brand. This can help establish your author platform, enhance your reputation, and expand your business.

Four key sections of an author’s website

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