Social Media

Four key sections of an author’s website

Four key sections of an author’s website

An author’s website is often the first point of contact between them and their audience. Thus, author must consider how they best grab their visitors’ attention and what messages they want to convey.

Testing Content for Social Media Platform Growth

Testing Content for Social Media Platform Growth

Many social media users focus on follower count, but few are willing to do what’s needed for platform growth, says guest author Kayla Hicks.

Four reasons authorpreneurs need a website

Four reasons authorpreneurs need a website

Today’s digital age offers many opportunities for authorpreneurs to promote themselves. Still, the website remains essential for an author’s platform. It’s an investment in their brand and their long-term success.

September Journal: Book launch and author platform

September Journal: Book launch and author platform

As SK Alexander geared up for the release of Eclipse of Avarice, he also adapted his social media strategy and author website.

Consistent Creative Content by Lee Hall - Book Review

Consistent Creative Content by Lee Hall - Book Review

In “Consistent Creative Content: A Guide to Authoring and Blogging in the Social Media Age”, Lee Hall offers a candid and practical guide for writers navigating the digital landscape.

Engage with your audience: your author platform

Engage with your audience: your author platform

Through newsletters, social media or during events, it’s easier than ever before to interact with your audience. Let’s explore the fundamental elements of an author platform and see why it is crucial for authorpreneurs.

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