
From Bards to Audiobook: The Evolution of Self-publishing

From Bards to Audiobook: The Evolution of Self-publishing

The explosion of self-publishing in the last fifteen years has obscured its rich history. From oral traditions to the digital age, self-publishing has undergone five distinct phases.

Curio Fiction: a fantasy subgenre

Curio Fiction: a fantasy subgenre

Ever heard of curio fiction? Coined by author Diane Callahan, this term defines a unique genre. Here are the defining features and tropes that shape curio fiction.

Shadows of Justice: Vigilantes in modern television

Shadows of Justice: Vigilantes in modern television

These contemporary series' take the age-old trope of vigilante justice and infuse it with moral dilemmas and the relentless quest for revenge.

Crime-fighters after hours: classic TV vigilantes

Crime-fighters after hours: classic TV vigilantes

Vigilantism not only plays a significant role in movies, but is also a staple on the small screen. In the 1980s and 90s, vigilantes took center stage in various television shows.

Vigilantes in movies: modern quests for vengeance

Vigilantes in movies: modern quests for vengeance

For decades, characters who pursue their own forms of justice or retribution have captivated audiences around the world. These films and franchises portray the journeys of modern-day avengers.

The allure of vigilantes in classic movies

The allure of vigilantes in classic movies

The appeal of morally ambiguous vigilantes has long entranced audiences. These classic narratives follow antiheroes who pursue their unique paths of vengeance and justice.

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