Exploring empathy in Wicked Hunt
SK Alexander explores how Nathaniel Colt’s empathy shapes the narrative within his paranormal suspense thriller, Wicked Hunt, Book One in “The Empath Series”.
SK Alexander explores how Nathaniel Colt’s empathy shapes the narrative within his paranormal suspense thriller, Wicked Hunt, Book One in “The Empath Series”.
Halo, the science-fiction military media franchise, has been a behemoth in the video game industry for decades. Unfortunately, season one fails to capitalize on its rich material.
People frequently use the terms “paranormal” and “supernatural” interchangeably. However, the terms are fluid, and their usage can vary based on context and personal interpretation.
SK Alexander's tagline “Tales From The Omniverse”, isn't just a catchy phrase—it's the very essence of his literary world and the foundation upon which he constructs his career as an authorpreneur.